My Darkest Day (and how the light found me)

My Darkest Day (and how the light found me)

September is Suicide Awareness Month. I am sharing my story to open up a space for dialogue, to help remove the stigma of sharing our experiences, and mostly, to let you know, if you are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, you are not alone and that there...
This Is Not New To Me

This Is Not New To Me

Karla circa 1968 This is not new to me. I was born into a racist culture and have lived with oppression, bias, racism, inequality, and stereotypes all my life. I have a lifetime of stories to share. Situations, comments and instances, some subtle some not so subtle,...
7 Tips for Creating Healthy Interactions During the Holidays

7 Tips for Creating Healthy Interactions During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for great connection with people in our lives. It brings us together with family and friends that we may only see a few times a year. This time of year heartens us to make a great effort to be with our loved ones in authentic and positive...
My Morning Practice – Vacation Edition

My Morning Practice – Vacation Edition

“The beautiful thing about setbacks is they introduce us to our strengths.” — Robin Sharma The greatest difficulty in creating habits is consistently practicing them. I have spent the better part of five years diligently working on strategies for myself to become...
How I Continue to Make My 2016 Dreams a Reality

How I Continue to Make My 2016 Dreams a Reality

“When we first begin fighting for a dream, we have no experience and make mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. ” — Paulo Coelho The new year for many of us is a time of renewal. We feel inspired and enthusiastic about...
Creating My Career Habits

Creating My Career Habits

“If you do not change direction you may end up where you are heading. ” — Lao Tzu I have learned that the most effective way for me to approach change in my life is by creating daily habits. They have been at the crux of all my most powerful personal shifts. I have...